It is all over, but there's a new chapter ahead!

June 6, 2013

After 2 1/2 years, it is finally over- I went back to school and actually finished it!  It has been a 10 year road from start to finish, but I am officially a college graduate from SUNY Oswego with a major in Information Science and a minor in Computer Science.  I learned so much during my time at Oswego and have grown so much as a person.  The field of CS definitely changed the way I think about things.  It enabled me to be a more effective problem solver and it equipped me with many skills that I am very grateful for including Android app development, PHP/MySQL web applications, as well as learning 5 languages in 1 semester (C, LISP, Scala, Prolog, Python)!

Am I completely done with school?  I don't know.  I can't throw out the possibility of one day getting my master's degree, but for now that isn't something I'm thinking about.  The notion of starting "life" (i.e. get a job, house, etc), is pretty scary.  One thing I know for sure is that I got an extremely quality education at SUNY Oswego.  If you're reading this and thinking about attending SUNY Oswego in either Information or Computer Science, I can't recommend it enough.  It is extremely challenging, but what you leave with is worth the stress.

The soon to be demolished Snygg Hall.
Spring at SUNY Oswego
I enjoyed my time at SUNY Oswego

So what is next?  After applying for multiple jobs in the arena of web development, I am extremely excited to say I received a job offer from Binghamton University as a full-time web developer.  My wife and I will be moving there as soon as we can find a place and we will start a new chapter of our lives.  Thank you SUNY Oswego and here I come, Binghamton!